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Parovel Blog
Blog - 11/01/2017

Notte dei Classici

The Notte dei Classici is a national initative held throughout Italy in the same night that offers readings, conferences, debates and dramatic performances to show how much classics are still very important in the present world. 

Also this year the Liceo Francesco Petrarca in Trieste wants to open its doors on Friday, January 13th, from 6 to 12 pm.
In the previous years the whole event was possible thanks to the collaboration and participation of some realities that had believed in the project and had decided to support it and this year Parovel joined the initative with its wines Visavì Bianco e Visavì Rosso e una speciale confezione mignon di extravergine Mackè

Blog - 07/01/2017

Vigneti parovel brina

These are months of rest for Parovel countryside. The first pruning will be at the end of February and vineyards and olive groves are nejoying now the well deserved rest, whereas we think about the new projects that await us in 2017. Little by little we will tell you about them. 

Blog - 30/12/2016

Kamje auguri buon 2017 parovel

Thank you for choosing us again, also in 2017!

Buon Anno * Srečno Novo Leto * Happy New Year * Frohes neues Jahr * 新年快乐 * Boldog új Evet * с новым годом * Gelukkig Nieuwjaar 

Blog - 05/01/2017

epifania fuochi e pignarui in friuli venezia giulia 3 ph archivio grotta gigante grande caverna 2

Both if you're going to get warm by the big epiphany fiers from Gorizia to Tarcento or to wait for the descent of the old lady in the Grotta Gigante getting warm with the mysterious Gran Pampel, here at Parovel's we wish you to end these winter holidays as best as you can.

The New Year is here and with it a lot of new initiatives!

Happy Epiphany Everybody!

befana pin up 2

Blog - 23/12/2016



Ciò che facciamo oggi prelude alla società che avremo domani.

Parovel vive in simbiosi da secoli con la vite e l’olivo: la natura sa essere dura e severa e allo stesso tempo incredibilmente generosa offrendoti i suoi frutti, dandoti riparo.
Per crescere anche l’animo umano ha bisogno di cura e dedizione. Il nostro augurio per il 2017 non è il tradizionale calendario, ma un contributo di solidarietà. In ricordo dell’amicizia che ci legava a Saša Ota, sosteniamo la Fondazione Luchetta Ota d’Angelo Hrovatin in favore dei bambini vittime della guerra. Inoltre sosteniamo le realtà produttive colpite dal recente terremoto nei Monti Sibillini.

Od tega, kar danes počnemo, je odvisna prihodnost sveta.

Paroveli živimo že stoletja v sožitju z vinsko trto in oljko. Narava je lahko kruta in hkrati nam lahko podari čudovite sadove in daje zavetje.Tudi za rast človeške duše potrebujemo nego in predanost. Naša želja za leto 2017 ni tradicionalni koledar, ampak solidarnostna pomoč v spomin na prijateljstvo, ki nas povezuje do Saše Ota. Podprli smo Fundacijo Luchetta Ota D’Angelo Hrovatin namenjeno otrokom, ki so postali žrtve vojne. Naš prispevek namenjamo tudi podjetjem, ki jih je prizadel nedavni potres v območju hribov Monti Sibillini.

What we do today is a prelude to the society we will have tomorrow.

Parovel has been living in symbiosis with the vine and olive tree for centuries: nature can be harsh and severe and at the same time give you incredibly generous fruit as well as shelter.
To grow even the human soul needs care and dedication. Our wish for 2017 isn’t the traditional calendar, but a solidarity contribution: in memory of the friendship that bound us to Saša Ota, we support the Foundation Luchetta Ota d’Angelo Hrovatin in favor of children victims of war. In addition we also support the production companies affected by the recent earthquake in the Sibillini Mountains.

A U G U R I da tutti noi Parovel di un sereno Natale!
Vesel Božič * Buon Natale * Merry Christmas Frohe Weihnachten * 圣诞节快乐 * С Рождеством * สุขสันต์วันคริสต์มาส *

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