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Parovel Blog
Blog - 10/03/2021

Olio Unico Parovel Maurizio Stagni Extravergine Trieste

The Olio Unico Parovel-Stagni harvest 2020 is again available. You can find it in some shops in Trieste and in our company shop in Dolina 546 Artisan Area.

OLIO UNICO, an extra virgin olive oil for those who want to give or treat themselves to a souvenir of the good taste of Trieste.


Blog - 22/02/2021

vino carso parovel matos nonet barde
We share with great pleasure and thank you for this apt description of our only macerated white wine Matos Nonet Barde, written by the friends of @storiedivinofvg:
"A blend from the Karst, Istrian Malvasia, Sauvignon and Sèmillon, where elegance and roundness explode in the mouth with a palette of colors balancing the sensations. Up and down from heaven to earth for a very long wine full of nuances. Persuasive, intriguing and delicate, it suggests patience, calm, relaxation and a pleasant sensation of fullness.
Really remarkable ... "


Blog - 04/01/2021

potature carso trieste parovel

Dew or frost is one of the most evocative atmospheric phenomena of the Autumn-Winter season. The night temperatures in our vineyards and olive groves in the Rio Ospo valley and San Dorligo della Valle fluctuate these days between 1 and -3 ° C. They manifest themselves especially on nights with clear skies and calm winds.
It is in this period that the pruning of the vines is particularly intensified, in order to then begin in March and April with that of the olive trees.


Blog - 10/02/2021

liquore alle olive trieste parovel
Its color is amber and the scent is that of grappa with hints of herbs and spices.On tasting it gives the palate an enveloping sensation with a herbaceous taste and February seems to be one of the best months to meditate on it.. :)
If you want to amplify the ecstasy of the senses, accompany the E2P Amaro Olive Liquor with a good chocolate for a complete pampering of your taste buds!


Blog - 22/12/2020

auguri trieste vini parovel NEWS

 The present is the family warmth,
The future is planted in the new vines.
Nature changes every season yet it returns itself.
So we change too and yet return ourselves.
Let's gather in the warmth of our houses to bloom again in the spring.

the Parovel family is pleased to wish you


Die Gegenwart ist die Wärme der Familie,
Die Zukunft wurde in die neuen Reben gepflanzt.
Die Natur ändert sich zu jeder Jahreszeit und kehrt dennoch zurück.
Also wir ändern und kehren dennoch zurück.
Lassen Sie uns in der Wärme unserer Häuser versammeln, um im Frühling wieder zu blühen.

die Familie Parovel freut sich, Sie zu wünschen


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