When you give a wine to toast with as a present it always wishes well! We suggest you do it for example with our multi awarded Onavè Barde vitovska 2013, elegantly packed for you.
But in Zona Artigianale Dolina 546 in San Dorligo della Valle (Trieste) you'll find much more in our Chrismas showroom: our cru line of indigenous Barde wines, the sparkling Kamje, the warm olives bitter liquor E2P, perfect with a chocolate dessert and then the evo oils Mackè, RoZò and Ul'ka. At Parovel's you also find Trieste traditional cakes and other products from the Karst to enrich your gifts.
Go and browse the gallery on our website with all the pictures of the Christmas Packs.
We also carry out home deliveries by calling 040 227050.