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Fritaja extravergine Trieste mack parovel

Ain't no Carnival time without Eggs. As the local tradition teaches us on Carnival's last Sunday they  reign over our table.

Ingredients for 4/6 people
10 eggs
300 g slightly smoked bacon
extra virgin olive oil
A pinch of creativity to decide which fancy dress to wear at the night's party

Fry the bacon cut into strips with a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil Mackè. Sear it well until the bacon does not assume a darker colour. Remove the fat from the pan and put the bacon aside. Beat the eggs with a whisk adding a little salt and pepper. Pour 100 ml of extra virgin olive oil Mackè into a deep pan. Add the beaten eggs and bacon and put it on the fire. Cook slowly on very low heat, stirring continuously with a wooden spatula. When the mixture of eggs and bacon begins to take shape, immediately remove the pan from the heat, stirring constantly and scraping the bottom with a wooden spatula. Put on the fire only when the heat in the pan will be lowered, and the eggs will have stopped curdling. Place the pan on the heat again, keep on stirring with a spatula and repeat the process of approching and removing from the flame until you get a smooth and homogeneous egg cream.

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