The main variety cultivated in our territory is called Bianchera - Belica (Slovenian name for the cultivar), selected over the centuries in the territory of the municipality of San Dorligo della Valle - Dolina. Its name probably derives from the fact that the change in color of the fruit (lathe) is late and progressive, and almost never complete even at advanced maturation.
It lives well on the marvelous-arenaceous hills surrounding the Gulf of Trieste, but also on the most exposed limestone terrain of the Karst plateau. Among the main agronomic characteristics of this native variety is a high resistance to cold temperatures. Oil production is high, and yields are generally higher than 16%. Biancheria oil has some characteristic and very important aspects: a high percentage of oleic acid and a high content of polyphenols, natural antioxidants, as well as an extremely low oil acidity.