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Parovel Blog

MUG bakery Trieste parovel cantine aperte

The second and leading guest of Open Cellars 2017 is a well-known and widely visited Trieste bakery.

"MUG in English is the big cup in which coffee or tea is sipped, even for hours.

A steaming MUG is a cuddle that we do to ourselves, to start the day, to warm up on a cold day, to accompany a funny chat with friends." This is what Elena Giuffrida, the creator and the soul of this great pastry shop and café, writes. MUG is a project that was born from the passion for the desserts from the Anglo-Saxon tradition. A passion that grew over time, which led to a space in Trieste that brings the taste and mind to the warm and welcoming American bakeries, where you savor delicious cakes with a cup of good coffee or tea, a smoothie or a juice of fresh fruit.

At MUG every day they bake and serve with care and passion cupcakes, cakes, brownies, loaf, cookies and more. All the products are fresh, without preservatives and, as far as possible, organic.

At 11:30 and 16:00 you can taste the "E2P Cupcakes", our olives bitter liqueur, made by MUG with the EVO oil Mackè and the jam of Friulian apples and ginger by Borgo delle Mele.

We await you at the Winery!

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