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Parovel Blog

Articoli con TAG: happy-new-year-2022

  • Auguri di Buone Feste * Vesele Praznike * Happy Holidays

    auguri natale parovel ig post

    La quiete del bosco e l’allegro vociare delle case. Il Rio Ospo e la Rosandra che gorgogliano, il fuoco che arde e illumina le guance. Il rumore di una bottiglia che si stappa, l’olio buono con cui guarnisci i piatti degli amici mentre fuori, leggera, la Bora comincia a scendere dalla Valle e tra gli olivi, abbracciando in un ultimo walzer le poche foglie rimaste sulle viti. Poi il silenzio, la notte tersa e stellata, le bottiglie vuote della festa mentre risuonano ancora le risate nell’aria.
    È tutto quello di cui abbiamo bisogno.
    Buon Natale e Felice 2022!
    dalla famiglia Parovel
    * * * * * * * * *
    Tišina gozdov in veselo klepetanje hiš. Žuborenje rek Osp in Glinščice, žareči ogenj, ki razsvetljuje lica. Zvok odpiranja steklenice, dobro olje, s katerim okrasiš jedi prijateljev, medtem ko se zunaj rahlo začne Burja spuščati iz Doline, med oljke ter v poslednjem valčku objema zadnje liste na trtah. Nakar pa tišina, jasna in zvezdnata noč, prazne steklenice zabave in v zraku še dolgo odmeva smeh.
    To je vse kar potrebujemo.
    Vesel Božič in Srečno 2022!
    družina Parovel
    * * * * * * * * *
    The quiet of the forest and the cheerful chatter of the houses. The gurgling Rio Ospo and Rosandra, the fire that burns and lights up your cheeks. The sound of a bottle being uncorked, the good oil with which you garnish your friends' plates while outside the light Bora begins to descend from the Valley and among the olive trees, embracing in a last waltz the few leaves left on the vines. Then silence, the clear starry night, the empty bottles from the party while laughter still resounds in the air.
    That's all we need.
    Merry Christmas and Happy 2022!
    by the Parovel family

  • Where does the future lie?

    It's New Year, time for balance sheets and new lymph. Let's review with you the year 2021 which made us rediscover once again the proximity, the beauty of a simple life and in greater contact with nature. From this renewed awareness, the new Mackè labels were born for our wines and olive oils that you can find in the best shops in the Friuli Venezia Giulia region, which through the animals of our woods restore the character of the land where we live. And always in the name of simplicity and hospitality, from spring to autumn, our Parovel Winery welcomed travelers and visitors at the foot of the Val Rosandra Nature Reserve, with pairings of Barde wines and Tergeste Dop Slow Food Presidium extra virgin olive oils. And also our Frantoio Oleario Parovel (oil mill) saw a bustle of children and adults once again, returning home with their own supplies of freshly squeezed new oil. In the last two years we have all rediscovered the importance of socializing, how nice it is to be able to uncork a generous bottle of wine with friends or to be able to cook for a nice table full fragrant and scented olive oil. Being able to taste and laugh together was even a goal for many of us, so looking back with a full heart, we wish you a peaceful time with tables full of local products, because the future lies in the spirit of community.

    Happy New Year 2022

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