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Parovel Blog

Articoli con TAG: parovelwine

  • Dove trovare i nostri oli e vini in città a Trieste?

    vini trieste contime olio parovel

    Se siete in città a Trieste e volete acquistare o anche solo degustare i nostri vini e oli extravergine firmati Barde Parovel, passate da Còntime in via Roma 24B che vi sapranno consigliare qual'è il vino che fa per voi.

  • Our Pic & Taste FVG in the winery in Bagnoli della Rosandra

    picnic trieste cantina parovel
    The month of September brings warmth and relaxation after a hot Summer. Come and live your Parovel Experience of tasting Barde wines and Tergeste Dop Slow Food Presidium extra virgin olive oils in combination with other local products.
    Pic-nic mode is so popular that you are carried away by the breeze of Val Rosandra Natural Reserve with a heart full of goodness..
    Thanks Alessia & Alex for visiting us ;-)
    We are open every Saturday from 11:00 to 18:00

  • The low temperatures in January and the pruning of the vines

    potature carso trieste parovel

    Dew or frost is one of the most evocative atmospheric phenomena of the Autumn-Winter season. The night temperatures in our vineyards and olive groves in the Rio Ospo valley and San Dorligo della Valle fluctuate these days between 1 and -3 ° C. They manifest themselves especially on nights with clear skies and calm winds.
    It is in this period that the pruning of the vines is particularly intensified, in order to then begin in March and April with that of the olive trees.

  • Up and down from heaven to earth... Matos Nonet!

    vino carso parovel matos nonet barde
    We share with great pleasure and thank you for this apt description of our only macerated white wine Matos Nonet Barde, written by the friends of @storiedivinofvg:
    "A blend from the Karst, Istrian Malvasia, Sauvignon and Sèmillon, where elegance and roundness explode in the mouth with a palette of colors balancing the sensations. Up and down from heaven to earth for a very long wine full of nuances. Persuasive, intriguing and delicate, it suggests patience, calm, relaxation and a pleasant sensation of fullness.
    Really remarkable ... "

  • We are harvesting the 2021 vintage!

    vendemmia 2021 carso vitovska parovel

    Today 10 September 2021 we collected the first grapes of Vitovska. The long-awaited moment all year will take us joy, work and excellent wine!

    Welcome harvest and good work to all the harvesters!

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