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Parovel Blog
Blog - 03/10/2018

It resists the cold, they know it since Roman times .. Bianchera or Belica is our queen olive!
Its name probably derives from the fact that the color change of the fruit (veraison) is late and progressive, and almost never complete even when ripe!

In a month or so we will begin the new olive oil campaign, at the moment we are monitoring the olive groves.

bianchera oliva trieste parovel

Blog - 29/09/2018

Trieste Next Parovel Olio EVO Trieste

Parovel is also present at Trieste Next this week-end together with the Knowledge and Commodities Department and Chemistry Department of Università degli Studi di Trieste to present "SVILUPPO DI NUOVI PRODOTTI SALUTISTICI DELLA CULTIVAR BIANCHERA: OLIO EVOO E RESIDUI DI LAVORAZIONE", financed by Friuli Venezia Giulia POR FESR. The project covers research activities carried out in collaboration with researchers from the University of Trieste for the development of high quality products obtained from the olive oil processing chain: extra virgin olive oil, with quality characteristics and locality typical of the Olives cultivar area, and watery extracts of olives leaves with nutraceutical properties and function of food supplement.

Blog - 28/09/2018

We had no doubts, but once again Euro Parovel asserted itself!

Euro Parovel was ranked 25th to the 16th National Championship of Pruning of Olive Trees "FORBICI D'ORO" in Cerchiara di Calabria. Our Karmen and Euro competed for Friuli Venezia Giulia region and also this time they brought home a remarkable result.

Euro Parovel Forbici dOro 2018 Parovel Forbici dOro 2018

Blog - 28/09/2018

The Distinguished Gentlemans Ride Parovel Trieste Movember

Sunday, September 30, 2018, tens of thousands of distinguished gentlemen in hundreds of cities around the world will wear ties and tweeds and sit on their classic and vintage bikes to raise money and awareness of prostate cancer and men's mental health on behalf of our charity partner, the Movember Foundation.
The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride was founded in Sydney, Australia by Mark Hawwa. He was inspired by a picture of Don Draper by Mad Men, sitting on top of a classic bike and wearing his most elegant suit. Mark decided that a theme tour would be a great way to fight the often negative stereotype of motorcyclists, linking niches of motorcycle communities all over the world.

From the Trieste Prima article "The idea of ​​bringing this event to Trieste also comes from the idea of ​​a group of motorcycle bikers who over the past three years have participated in the rides organized by other cities, always thinking 'but why we in Trieste with our history, our magnificent landscapes and our madness we do not try to put our name on the world list of participating cities? ' Start of the ride is the Franz Josf Stube of Aurisina Stazione, a historical location that recalls the past glories of the area when the Austro-Hungarian Empire dominated the Giuliani lands. "
At 12.30 we wait for the ride at Parovel Winery to let the participants taste our products and visit the wine cellar. Together with us there will also be the Cavana Brewery with its specialties.

Blog - 21/09/2018

Andrea Andolina a colloquio con rossella parovel sponsor

As we have already told you many times, Parovel loves to support cultural projects and this is the case of "A colloquio con Rossella ", a new short film by Andrea Andolina, based on a story by Gaia Tomassini with a great cast led by Ariella Reggio, Dario Penne, Fulvio Falzarano, Maria Grazia Plos, Sara Cechet Woodcock, Raffaele Sincovich, Romina Colbasso, Isabella Gustincich. The film is produced by the association “Bobo e I suoi amici” with the contribution of NuovoIMAIE and the sponsorship of Parovel olive groves 1898.

And here you see a part of the crew with our Visavì Barde!

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