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Return to Spring recipe.

The new labels of the Mackè extra virgin olive oil line by Parovel are ready to be “eaten”. Mackè recipelabels are born, quick tips for your everyday cooking.

The label makes you work up an appetite, the recipe helps you satisfy it! They're all yummy suggestions by the food blogger Alessandra Colaci. Passionate about travel, Alessandra revisits dishes from the world cuisine in her own way. All of her recipes are on

Corn Soup with Macké extra virgin olive oil

minestra de bobici olio trieste

Bobici soup (corn soup) is a traditional dish of peasant origin typical of the "Karst" area of Trieste. It was the soup that was prepared to practice for the celebration of the assumption (15th of August with very fresh cobs called milk corn - which were being shelled to obtain soft beans. To prepare the soup, even in winter you can store the fresh beans in the freezer, or, as I did, buy the dry corn (but you have to look for the one special one for soups) readily available in Slovenia or in Trieste.
To prepare the bobici soup, I followed the recipe that I learned by attending the cuisine of Parovel family. It's a great recipe that certainly does not need any modifications or additions, but, in my constant search for new combinations and flavors, I thought I would try to give an exotic touch to the mixture by adding a pinch of cumin powder. Cumin, combined with beans and corn, is a flavor that is found in a typical soup of Mexican cuisine. In Mexico, however, the beans used are red ones, there is the addition of red pepper and, often, the pot is further enhanced by the inclusion of pork belly. To tell the truth, even in some versions of Karst bobici soup, is expected to add a ham bone or ham into pieces while cooking. To make it a healthy dish, then, preparing the sauce "soffritto", I used the technique that provides for the addition of hot water to the onion, in order to keep the temperature of the oil under control and allow a perfect cooking of the onion that will not burn and will be softer and easier to digest.

Ingredients for 4 people

250 g of dried beans
250 g of dried corn kernels for soup
250 g of potatoes
3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil Mackè Parovel
65 ml of tomato sauce
1 L of vegetable broth
Half onion
Cumin powder

Soak the beans in cold water for at least 12 hours. Drain, rinse them and put them to boil for about an hour and a half (if you use the pressure cooker will take about 40 minutes). Once cooked, blend half of the beans and set aside.
Rinse the dried corn kernels and make them boil in a pressure cooker, covered with plenty of boiling water for about 45 minutes.
Heat the extra virgin olive oil, add cumin powder and finely chopped onion. Fry on low heat for about a minute, stirring carefully, taking care not to burn cumin. Add two large cups of boiling water, will further lower the heat, and let simmer the onion for 10-15 minutes or until it will become soft and transparent and the water will be absorbed. Wash and peel 150 g of potatoes. Cut into slices and add them to the onions. Stir and cook for a few minutes. Cover with hot water, add a little salt and cook for 20 minutes.
Once cooked, remove the potatoes from heat and whisk with an immersion blender. Put on the flame by adding beans, smoothies and the boiled corn, tomato sauce, vegetable stock and the remaining diced potatoes.
Cook over medium heat for 30 minutes. Season with salt and serve immediately.

PAIRING: we suggest you pair the dish with our Vitovska Mackè Classic that you find in all supermarkets

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